Mercer Medical Libraries
Tips for Searching

PubMed for Handhelds (Memorial On-Campus/Remote One and Mercer On-Campus access)
PubMed for Handhelds (Mercer Off-Campus access)

Basic Searching - Enter one or more words into the query box and press Enter or GO

Advanced Searching:

Additional options:

Truncation - Use the asterisk (*) to look for multiple endings of a word
Ex: Myocard* will retrieve myocardium, myocardial, myocarditis, etc.
Note: Truncation prevents automatic mapping and explosion of MeSH terms

MeSH Database - click on - use to find proper MeSH subject headings

Limits - Article Type, Age, Gender, Language, etc.
To turn off limits - next to Limits activated click Remove

Search Details - Displays how PubMed translated your search statements; use to verify searched for correct MeSH terms and textwords

Search History - Located under Advanced Search, displays the list of search sets; Use to combine search sets
Set numbers MUST be preceded by the pound (#) sign Exs: #3 AND #7

Clipboard - Stores selected citations for viewing, printing, or saving
Check the box beside a selected citation and click on the Send To [Clipboard] button

Single Citation Matcher - to verify or find a specific article
Enter information in one or more fields

Clinical Queries (EBM filters) - research methodology filters designed to retrieve quality studies;
Select either:

My NCBI - Use to store and update searches; Requires simple registration

Full-text Articles

Macon: Call 478.301.4056 or email

Savannah: Call 912.350.8345 or email

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Mercer Medical Libraries
Mercer University School of Medicine