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Health Statistics and Research

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County Statistics

County Health Rankings
This site ranks each county within the 50 states according to its health outcomes and the multiple health factors that determine a county’s health. Each county receives a summary rank for its health outcomes and health factors and also for the four different types of health factors: health behaviors, clinical care, social and economic factors, and the physical environment. Each county can also drill down to see specific county-level data (as well as state benchmarks) for the measures upon which the rankings are based.

GeorgiaData (online version of the Georgia County Guide)

CDC: Diseases and Conditions
The CDC has compiled data and statistics for major health topics. Please note that not all diseases and conditions have statistics for the county level.

OASIS Georgia Division of Public Health. Use OASIS to access Georgia vital statistics, maternal and child health, Georgia Comprehensive Cancer Registry, and population data. Select data by age, race, sex, county or year. A GIS mapping tool is also available.

Georgia Government Management Indicators Department of Community Affairs. This survey collects data on local government operations, including financial management practices, service delivery arrangements, public facilities provided, and planning efforts. This information is helpful in identifying trends in local government operations.

American FactFinder Census Bureau. Find the latest state and county U. S. Census data. Demographic, housing, economic, household, and population change data is available.

State and County QuickFacts Census Bureau. QuickFacts tables are summary profiles showing frequently requested data items from various Census Bureau programs. Profiles are available at the national, state, and county level.

FedStats Access official statistics collected and published by more than 100 federal agencies. Users can profile a state, county, federal judicial district, or congressional district to see a summary of economic and population trends, education, health care costs, and more.

HRSA Geospatial Data Warehouse This mapping tool from the Health Resources and Services Administration allows users to create maps and reports that display health systems and population data by county, zip code, Congressional district, and more. Maps can also be created to display HRSA grant awards data, hospitals, nursing facilities, MSAs and more.

USDA Atlas of Rural and Small-Town America Access official statistics collected and published by more than 100 federal agencies. Users can profile a state, county, federal judicial district, or congressional district to see a summary of economic and population trends, education, health care costs, and more.

Rural Health Explorer The Explorer includes the Rural Population Health Mapper, Appalachia Community Data Portal, and Rural Health Workforce Mapper. The Explorer also includes other mapping tools focused on health behaviors, health outcomes, and healthy living assets in non-urban counties across the U.S., as well as the entire Appalachian region. .

PeriStats Developed by the March of Dimes Perinatal Data Center, PeriStats provides free access to U.S., state, city, and county maternal and infant health data. Users can make maps and create graphs based on the data available.

KIDS COUNT KIDS COUNT is a state and national effort to track the status of children. Georgia KIDS COUNT provides current county data on 26 indicators in 5 areas: Healthy Children, School Readiness, School Success, Strong Families, and Self-sufficient Families. Users can compare multiple counties or download county fact sheets.

Georgia Department of Labor Market Information The GDOL provides a wide array of infomation about Georgia's economy, job market, business, and workforce. Get data on occupational trends, industry data, occupational wages, and other workforce information through their dynamic and interactive information system, Georgia LaborMarket Explorer.

U.S. Health Map this interactive map, you can explore health trends in the United States at the county level for both sexes for: 29 cancers, 21 major causes of death, life expectancy, smoking, obesity, physical activity, alcohol use, hypertension, and diabetes. Use the settings at the top to select a year, cause of death, and sex. Use the time trend menu on the right to explore time trends for specific counties. Includes U.S. County Profiles

State Statistics

County Health Rankings
This site ranks each county within the 50 states according to its health outcomes and the multiple health factors that determine a county’s health. Each county receives a summary rank for its health outcomes and health factors and also for the four different types of health factors: health behaviors, clinical care, social and economic factors, and the physical environment. Each county can also drill down to see specific county-level data (as well as state benchmarks) for the measures upon which the rankings are based.

Kaiser State Health Facts
Contains the latest state-level data on demographics, health, and health policy, including health coverage, access, financing, and state legislation. Compare Georgia to other states or to national data.

Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS)
Database from the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control provides customized reports of national and state injury-related data, including fatal injuries, leading cause of death, and years of potential life lost.

Offers federal and state statistics and reports on children and their families, including population and family characteristics, economic security, health, behavior and social environment, and education.

OASIS: Online Analytical Statistical Information System

Georgia QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau,00

The Georgia Epidemiology Report

Georgia Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

Healthy People 2020 Tracking Data

Chronic Conditions Dashboard
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid presents 2011 state, Hospital Referral Region, and national comparison data on the prevalence of chronic conditions, as well as Medicare costs and utilization measures for beneficiaries with chronic conditions.

CDC: Diseases and Conditions
The CDC has compiled information for major health topics provide data and statistics. Please note that not all diseases and conditions have statistics for the county level.

America's Health Rankings
For nearly 3 decades, America’s Health Rankings has provided an analysis of national health on a state-by-state basis by evaluating a historical and comprehensive set of health, environmental and socioeconomic data to determine national health benchmarks and state rankings.

National and International Statistics

National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)

CDC Data and Statistics

CDC Wonder: access to over twenty data sets

Disease Trends @ MMWR

Census Bureau Home Page

FedStats Home Page

HCUPnet national hospital statistics

CMS Health Accounts

Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Homepage

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Where You Live

Unemployment Data

United Nations Statistics Division

World Health Organization Global Health Observatory Data

Physician Distribution

WebMD   Physician Directory
Type in a zip code, city or state to find office phone numbers, locations, hours, and medicare/medicaid acceptance.

Georgia Composite Medical Board   Look up a Licensed Provider
Search by last name, license number, or city.


Style Guide

APA Style
Purdue's Owl Online Writing Lab

AMA Style Guide

Searching for Articles

PubMed with our library holdings
Use and bookmark this customized version of PubMed to see the items accessible through Mercer Libraries. Click the full text icon to see if we have access; if not, contact the library. When searching, use the following Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) to help narrow your search for statistics: economics; epidemiology; incidence; manpower; mortality; prevalence; statistics and numerical data; trends; and utilization.

The National Agricultural Library (NAL) supports this agricultural citation database, including journal articles, book chapters, short reports, and reprints.

A bibliographic database of over one million abstracts of journal articles and reports in education from the U.S. Department of Education. This database uses its own thesaurus of subject headings. If you Browse the Thesaurus by Category, you can see that the category Research and Theory contain a number of useful terms such as National Surveys and State Surveys.

SafetyLit is a collection of abstracts of English language reports from researchers in several disciplines relevant to preventing unintentional injuries, violence, and self-harm. The search interface allows you to limit your search by research methods, surveillance, prevalence, occurrence, cost, and more.


Health, United States
Annual compilation by the CDC and NCHS includes 146 tables divided into four main categories: health status and determinants, utilization of resources, health care resources, and health care expenditures.

Healthy People 2020
Defines the health objectives for the U.S. for the next decade. Continues the work started with Healthy People and Healthy People 2010. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly.

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
Weekly publication presenting data on reportable diseases (such as AIDS, hepatitis, and tuberculosis) broken down by region and state, along with articles on specific epidemiological topics. The last issue of the year includes annual summary data.

MUSM librarians can help you locate many other resources and materials besides those listed above. The librarians would be happy to help you formulate your online searches or help you brush up on your research skills.

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