ClinicalKey Copyright
and Fair Use
Copyright and Fair Use
you read the official Elsevier copyright and trademarks statement on the
company webpage, the language seems to indicate that you need to to keep the
ClinicalKey logos intact if you use the presentation maker features. However,
the library has confirmed with the publisher that while you need to cite the
source of your content, you do not need to preserve the trademarked logos
indicating which publishing platform for the journal article, image, or ebook.
Copyright protections and citation conventions dictate that you cite the source
- not the platform for the source.
User Guide
Authorized Users of ClinicalKey have permission to use
content from the site in presentations for noncommercial use. You must keep
intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. However, for any commercial
or republication use, you must obtain rights and consent.
A Get Rights and Content link
displays on content pages for which Elsevier holds or manages the copyright.
Clicking the link takes you to the Copyright Clearance Center, where you
may request permission.